Integrated and complementary solution 

As a complement to the AML solution Datanyx we offer a set of complementary and integrated services, through specialized partnerships, in order to ensure the absence of risks in this area. We privilege the safeguarding of your financial and reputational assets in a simple and accessible way. 


We conduct training in money laundering-AML prevention, both technical and behavioral. 
We define the most appropriate means to achieve it and ensure updates, implementation and sharing of knowledge and   experiences (room, documentation, e-learning,...) 

Policies and audit

We support the definition of policies for money laundering prevention, addressing issues such as legislation, training, communication, duties, controls and audits, customers, responsibilities, structure, indicators and factors of general and specific risk... 
We audit existing policies, assessing the risks and opportunities for improvement. 

Procedures and responsibilities

We define settings and analysis of procedures, structure and responsibilities of the compliance area and related responsibles. 
Behavioral and technical profiles, recruitment of compliance professionals, as well as behavioral risk analysis are part of the services we can provide

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